Why am I not eligible for certain courses?

Some educational content is available only for IGCS members, as a member benefit. IGCS members receive educational content complimentary with their membership. Not an IGCS member? Join IGCS today and be a part of the leading global society advancing gynecologic cancer care around the world. In addition to complimentary valuable educational resources and training opportunities, you will also be supporting the society’s mission to enhance the care of women with gynecologic cancer worldwide throu..

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How do I register for upcoming webinars?

After logging into Education360 Learning Portal, select the webinar you would like to attend from the catalog, click the “Register” button. Remember to “Add to Calendar” after registering. You will receive reminder emails closer to the webinar date...

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Is my course progress tracked?

Yes, your course progress is tracked, and when returning to Education360 Learning Portal, you may begin courses exactly where you left off. By logging in you can access courses you have started and/or completed by clicking “My Courses” on the left navigation panel...

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How do I log into Education360 Learning Portal?

Your log information is the same as your IGCS account. You can reset your password online or if unsure of your login information, email education@igcs.org and IGCS staff will reset your login information. We have created Guest accounts within the IGCS database for the contacts on our email list who have engaged with our society through our communications and/or participated in our previously held educational events. Those contacts were sent an email with their username and password on Septembe..

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