Home > Mentorship and Training

IGCS Mentorship programs aim to bring together members from high and lower resource settings to share knowledge and build long-lasting relationships. 

IGCS Mentorship Programs

If you are interested in becoming more engaged with the IGCS in a mentorship or training capacity, email susan.ralph@igcs.org.

The success of our programs requires dedicated and committed volunteer leaders we hope you will consider being a part of our team!

Relevant News

Read more about IGCS’ mentorship and training initiatives.

Importance of Mentorship

Mentors play a crucial role in the professional development and success of physicians and researchers in gynecologic cancer care, as in any other field of medicine. Read Dr. Joe Ng’s blog about the Importance of Mentorship.

Member Spotlight

Global Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship Program News

Congratulations to the following Fellows for completing the IGCS Gynecologic Oncology Global Curriculum & Mentorship Program!

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Global Fellowship Program Impact Report

We are proud to share the Annual Impact Report for the International Gynecologic Cancer Society’s Global Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship Program. See just how impactful our flagship program has been in training gynecologic oncology specialists in regions of the world that urgently need skilled professionals.


MIS Training Program

The Advanced Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) Training Program offers an opportunity for surgeons specializing in gynecologic oncology to acquire advanced skills in laparoscopy. This six-month program is supported by the Nezhat Family Foundation. Meet the first trainees.


Preinvasive Disease "Train the Trainers" Course

The IGCS “train the trainers” course on colposcopy, LEEP, and concepts in cervical cancer prevention for African countries was hosted in Mozambique in July 2023. Read on to learn how this training is improving women’s cancer care in Africa.

Member Spotlight

Radiation Oncology Consortium

IGCS has joined a consortium with several specialized organizations to formalize and strengthen radiotherapy education and training for gynecologic radiation oncology specialists in LMICs. The consortium is currently developing criteria for site selection to ensure participants have the facilities necessary to implement radiotherapy techniques safely and consistently.

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