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IGCS Education360 is our society’s online learning portal with professional education for all members of the gynecologic cancer care team, developed by members of the IGCS Education Committee.

The catalog includes multidisciplinary education topics on the latest advances and updates in research, nursing, palliative care, pathology, radiation oncology, and surgery. Self-guided certificate programs for IGCS members will enhance their understanding of important aspects of cancer care, including the management of preinvasive cervical disease and principles of palliative care.

IGCS Education360 Learning Portal Features

  • Searchable course catalog
  • Course progress tracking and continuity
  • Mobile device friendly
  • One-click webinar registrations
  • New content notification emails

Recommended Education360 offerings

IGCS’ mission is to enhance the care of women with gynecologic cancer worldwide through education, training and public awareness, and Education360 has unquestionably helped IGCS to achieve its mission, reaching clinicians and communities across the globe.

Dr. Paul Cohen,
Education Committee Chair, Australia

Education Committee Chairs and Workgroups

Paul Cohen, MD Australia


Michael Pearl, MD USA



Chairs & Members

Sarah Belton,
Co-Chair, Ireland

Anne Mellon,
Co-Chair, Australia

Chrissy Donovan, Co-Chair, USA

  • Roslyn Ali, New Zealand
  • Dona Chakroborty, India
  • Robert Coleman, USA
  • Raimundo Correa, Chile
  • Lois Eva, New Zealand
  • Noriko Fujiwara, Japan
  • Claudia Main, New Zealand
  • Anisa Mburu, Kenya
  • Joe Ng, Signapore
  • Joseph Noh, Korea
  • Michael Pearl, USA
  • Raquel Ramos, Brazil
  • Kasia Wydrzynska, USA

Latest Educational Offerings

Recent and upcoming webinars and events from IGCS and around the globe.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I view IGCS’ online educational content?

Visit the IGCS Education360 Learning Portal to view the full catalog of IGCS education content.

What is IGCS Education360?

Our online learning portal with year-round professional education for all members of the gynecologic cancer care team, developed by members of the IGCS Education Committee. 

How do I log into Education360 Learning Portal?

Your log in information is the same as your IGCS account. If you are unable to login, please reset your password. If you do not know your login name, please email education@igcs.org and IGCS staff will reset your login information.

May I view educational content without logging in?

You may browse the catalog without logging in, along with reading course descriptions. To view the educational content, you must log in. Your login information is the same as your IGCS account.

How do I register for upcoming webinars?

After logging into Education360 Learning Portal, select the webinar you would like to attend from the catalog, click the ‘Register’ button. Remember to ‘Add to Calendar’ after registering. 

You will receive reminder emails closer to the webinar date. 

Is my course progress tracked?

Yes, your course progress is tracked, and when returning to Education360 Learning Portal, you may begin courses exactly where you left off. By logging in you can access courses you have started and/or completed by clicking ‘My Courses’ on the left navigation panel. 

How may I contribute to IGCS education?

We encourage all IGCS members interested in contributing to IGCS Education and other programs to complete the Call for Member Engagement interest form.

Are IGCS educational offerings available in multiple languages?

IGCS offers some education in multiple languages. On Education360 Learning Portal, you may view education available in multiple languages by selecting ‘Translated Offerings’ within the Browse section.

Education360 Learning Portal webpages and Palliative Care Certificate Program are translatable using the Google Translate dropdown on the top right corner of the webpage. If you do not see your language listed, please contact education@igcs.org. Video recordings are not translated unless specified otherwise.

I have an online subscription to the International Journal of Gynecologic Cancer (IJGC) with my IGCS Membership. How do I access the journal as an IGCS Member?

Eligible members can access the journal after logging in to IGCS.org and then by clicking on the ‘Quick Links’ tab and select ‘Journal Access’.

Next select ‘Click here for Member Access to the International Journal of Gynecological Cancer’.

You will then be logged into BMJ Journals and have access to current and archived issues.  You do not need to log in again at the top of this page.  

The on-line subscription to the International Journal of Gynecologic Cancer (IJGC) is not included with my member type. How can I add it?

Eligible members can purchase your discounted subscription to the journal here.  Add the item to checkout and process your $15 USD payment.  You will first need to log into your account.   

Please allow up to 5 business days for your subscription to become activated. Once activated, you will gain full access to IJGC journal articles by logging into your IGCS Member account and passing through to the journal website through this page.

I have an upcoming educational event that I would like to promote. What can IGCS do to help me promote to offering?

Email education@igcs.org to inquire about listing your event on the IGCS Global Events Calendar.

Please note that all events are subject to CEO approval and must be directly related to gynecologic cancer care, with the target audience of clinicians, researchers, or advocates (patient/survivors/family members/caregivers).

Requests must be submitted no less than 2 weeks from the date of the event. IGCS cannot offer additional marketing resources for the promotion of events not directly affiliated with the society.

I have additional questions related to IGCS education. Who should I contact?

Please contact education@igcs.org for all education inquiries.

Join IGCS for access to all educational resources