If you would like to see your event on this calendar, please email education@igcs.org.

Events must be related to the field of gynecologic cancers with the target audience of clinicians, researchers, or advocates (patient/survivors/family members/caregivers).

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IGCS Survivor-Caregiver Summit

Sep 26, 2020

Gynecologic Cancer Literacy
We’ll cover all the basics of gynecologic cancers: symptoms and risks, early detection, hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, genetic testing, and patient rights and options such as maintenance therapy. This session would not be complete without discussing clinical trials and cutting-edge research and findings.

Survivorship 101: Focus on Quality of Life
Let’s talk Survivorship—quality of life and wellness from diagnosis onward—and get very personal! We’ll have frank exchanges about body image, sexual health, intimacy, fertility, nutrition, and self-care as well as about work-life balance and other concerns specific to working women. And we’ll learn to document our individual journeys.

The Power of Patient Advocacy
While having a primer on the Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How of patient advocacy, we’ll tap into its regional and global power and the benefits of creating and maintaining a strong, inclusive Global Advocacy Network. And, we’ll explore the tangible, documented power of advocacy.

Optional Concurrent Bonus Sessions
Following the plenary Summit sessions, two optional sessions will be available for Summit participants: (1) Treatment, Clinical Trials, Telemedicine/Telehealth in Backdrop of COVID-19 and (2) Patient-Centric Table Talk: Education & Exchange Session.