
We are delighted to announce that esteemed British Gynaecological Cancer Society (BGCS) has officially become a part of the International Gynecologic Cancer Society’s Strategic Alliance Partner Program. This collaboration brings over 650 BGCS members who have a personal association with gynecologic oncology in the United Kingdom into the IGCS family,

BGCS, is made up of medical practitioners, clinical nurse specialists and other allied professionals, including scientists who have an interest in gynecological cancers and its practices within the United Kingdom. Over 400 BGCS members regularly attend their annual conference, including trainees, nurses, unit leads, oncologists, pathologists, and radiologists.

The BGCS has many active subgroups that focus on commissioning, registry development, guidelines development, and the training of young professionals and interdisciplinary programming. We feel that IGCS and BGCS members will benefit from this alliance —BGCS member gaining access to a broader international network and perspectives and IGCS members gaining exposure to science and education from the BGCS-IGCS member volunteers contributing to our meetings and programs.

Mary Eiken, IGCS CEO said, “IGCS is enthusiastic about strategic partnerships with regional and international societies and groups because the mutual exchange of ideas and knowledge sharing is invaluable within organizations such as ours. Like all our Strategic Alliance Partners, the BGCS sets high professional standards throughout their region with the aim of advancing the science and art of gynecologic oncology for the benefit of the public. When we bring together multiple groups with the same goal, they learn from each other and have the potential to accelerate progress.”

United, we will drive enduring change in the lives of women affected by gynecologic cancers worldwide. Enthusiastic about the possibilities that lie ahead, we look forward to our collaboration to advance the shared mission of both organizations.

Keiichi Fujiwara, MD 
IGCS President 

Stephen Dobbs, MD 
BGCS President