March 4th is International HPV Awareness Day
The awareness campaign: Give Love, Not HPV was initiated by the International Papillomavirus Society (IPVS), the leading global authority on human papillomaviruses (HPV). IPVS facilitates the worldwide exchange of ideas, knowledge, and research about HPV and related diseases while promoting the translation of research results into new clinical applications and public health policies.
IPVS inaugurated International HPV Awareness Day on March 4, 2018 as part of the organization’s commitment to raising awareness of HPV. Through this annual campaign IPVS aims to promote progress on HPV prevention, screening and management of HPV related diseases.
A special issue of HPV World was developed by Dr. Xavier Bosch, a member of the IPVS Advocacy Committee to inform health care professionals about the campaign and statistics about the global burden of HPV.