
Thank you for joining us for the
2023 IGCS Gynecologic Cancer Survivor-Caregiver Summit!

A recording of the 2023 IGCS-IGCAN Advocacy Summit is now available on the IGCS YouTube Channel and website.  

Stay Connected through Facebook and WhatsApp 

Stay connected to IGCANetwork members all year long by joining the new WhatsApp Group and/or Facebook Group. One of the goals of the IGCANetwork is to empower and inspire survivor-patients and caregivers to advocate for themselves and others in their community. To do this, we need a supportive network of invested patient advocates willing to share information, ask questions, and discuss issues of importance. Join us and contribute to the conversation! 

In Summary 

The 3-hour Summit featured gynecologic cancer experts, Dr. Robert Coleman who discussed recent findings from select clinical trials and Dr. Gottfried Konecny who provided insights into biomarkers novel treatment approaches. 

Expressive arts therapist, Ms. Genevieve Saenz led an interactive discussion about the benefits of making time for creativity, sparking discussion among participants and generating ideas about how to nurture and reawaken the artist within. 

Finally, Ms. Debbie Leopold introduced a new communications initiative to drive patient advocacy and empower survivor-patients and caregivers to tell their stories and call for change. Caregivers, Bar Levy (Israel) and Frank Gambino (USA) and cervical cancer survivor, Milicent Kagonga (Kenya) told their powerful stories with the intention to move others to action. 

The Summit participants were encouraged to reflect on their own lived experiences and to consider how they too can utilize the public narrative framework to raise awareness and advocate for gynecologic cancer prevention, diagnosis, support, and care. If you would like to tell your story for publication on the IGCS website and communication channels, contact for more information.  

Thank you! 

Thanks to everyone who joined us virtually on September 25th. We hope to see you again next year for the Annual IGCS-IGCAN Advocacy Summit in Dublin, Ireland! Stay tuned all year long for more patient advocacy programming and visit for more information and resources.  

This summit was made possible through the generous support of Eisai, GSK, Novocure, Seagen/Genmab

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