IGCS is grateful for our strong Strategic Alliance Partnerships that bring us one step closer to our goal of achieving global heath equity. Each month we will highlight a partnership, beginning with the Association of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
This month's Strategic Alliance Partnership focus is on Kazakhstan (pop. 18 million), Kyrgyzstan (6 million), and Tajikistan (9 million). These countries are progressive in the care and treatment of gynecologic cancers but are not without their challenges. Their partnership with IGCS only strengthens their education and care for women with gynecologic cancer. IGCS is so proud of the alliance with Kazakhstan and is very excited to highlight this flourishing partnership and we are grateful for their willingness to include Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

What regions are included in your Strategic Alliance?
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan
How long have you been a Strategic Alliance Partner?
For four years. In the Fall of 2017, IGCS CEO, Mary Eiken met with the Kazakhstan Cancer Society in Central Asia. Sophia Michaelson, Executive Director, American Eurasian Cancer Alliance, and the entire organization were instrumental in making this partnership flourish. There has been a successful partnership ever since.
How many members are in your organization?
Kazakhstan has 47 members, Kyrgyzstan has 12 members and Tajikistan has 15 members, totaling 74 members.
What is the greatest impact of being an IGCS Strategic Alliance Partner?
The greatest impact of being a Strategic Alliance Partner with IGCS is the commitment IGCS shows day in and day out to advance the treatment of gynecologic cancer. Our partnership is making a difference in the lives of women afflicted with gynecologic cancer. The goal of our partnership is to improve access to quality cancer services globally through the international collaboration and the creation of a research platform in the women cancer care.
What is the most considerable benefit to your community’s members by being an IGCS Strategic Alliance Partner?
The resources IGCS provides our community is unmatched, the global network, educational opportunities, mentorship and training programs and the Annual Global Meeting are all reasons why our partnership continues to benefit our community. Since 2017 Kazakhstan has participated in over 40 tumor boards and didactics in the framework in Project ECHO.