I am pleased to announce that Russia has joined the Strategic Alliance Partnership Program.
Over the past two years, myself and other IGCS leaders have met with representatives from the Russian Society of Oncologists in Cancer of Reproductive System at several international meetings that we both attended to discuss opportunities for collaboration and IGCS programs of interest them. We found that the IGCS Annual Global Meeting, among others, is an excellent opportunity for engagement - especially now that our Scientific Program Committee structure has become more regionally diverse. There is excitement around our virtual tumor boards and reaching a broader audience with Russia. We are glad to welcome representatives from Russia to ensure that IGCS meetings will meet the interests and needs of our international partners.
I’d like to thank Prof. Kirill Zhordania (President), Prof. Alexey Shevchuk, and Prof. Vsevolod Matveev (Council Members) of the Society of Oncologists in Cancer of Reproductive System for working with us to create this partnership.
We are also very grateful to Dr. Sophia Michaelson from the American Eurasia Cancer Alliance for her involvement in facilitating IGCS partnerships not only with Russia, but other Eurasian countries such as Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan. Sophia noted
Russia is the largest country in the world extending across the entirety of Northern Asia and much of Eastern Europe made up of 83 federal areas. It is the ninth most populous country with 146.8 million people with about 77% of inhabitants living in the Western European part of the country.
After breast cancer, the second most frequent cancer in women is colorectal cancer, followed by endometrial and cervical cancer.
The main challenges that Russia is facing regarding the burden of gynecologic cancers is not unlike the challenges of many other countries. This includes the need for increased awareness and public access to information, strategies for increased prevention and early detection of cancer, palliative care programs, and the need for more skilled physicians trained in gynecologic oncology.
International collaboration and exchange of medical knowledge and research is extremely valuable in reducing the burden of cancer and enhancing care worldwide. It is this collaboration and exchange of ideas that IGCS is working towards in bringing our Strategic Alliance Partners together into a global community.
As we welcome our friends and colleagues from Russia, we look forward to working with them in achieving our common goals to improve outcomes for women affected by gynecologic cancers.
Mary Eiken, MS