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Thank you to everyone who applied for an IGCS 2024 Board of Directors position.  The application closed March 12, 2024. 

The election period closed June 15, 2024. Congratulations to the newly elected Board Members. View Election Winners here. 

IGCS Board Nominations and Election Timeline

Application period: 
Review, selection, and notification period: 
Election period: 
Results announced: 
New Board Members take office: 

February 8 – March 12
March 13 – April 30
May 15 – June 15
June 20
October 18

Question & Answer

To help members better understand the process, IGCS has compiled answers to possible queries:

There are eight (8) vacancies on the 2024-2026 IGCS Board of Directors.  
President Elect (Americas or Caribbean)
The Presidential position must be filled by a gynecologic oncologist. Candidates for President Elect shall be chosen from one of these three world regions on a rotating basis: 1. Asia, Oceania, or the Pacific; 2. Europe, Africa, or the Middle East; 3. The Americas (North America, Latin America, or the Caribbean). Based on this rotation schedule, the 2024-2026 President Elect must be an active IGCS member practicing in the Americas. The President Elect serves a two-year term and automatically ascends to the position of President. After Presidency, this individual continues to sit on the Board and Executive Committee for two years as Past President. The Past President chairs the Nominations and Awards Committee. The total time commitment is six years. 

Vice President (geographic region unspecified)  
The Vice President, in the absence of the President, shall preside at all meetings of the Society and Board and shall assist the President in their duties as requested. This is a two-year term. 

Secretary-Treasurer Elect (geographic region unspecified)  
The Secretary-Treasurer Elect shall become a voting member of the Board for two years prior to becoming Secretary Treasurer, working closely with the current Secretary-Treasurer to ensure a smooth transition. Future responsibilities include reviewing the annual budget, the biennial audit, and the quarterly financial report. The Secretary-Treasurer will monitor the Society's financial performance and report to the Board on the current financial status of the Society. The total time commitment is four years. 

Board Member (five open positions)  
Board Members will attend Board meetings, stay informed of Society matters, and provide input and feedback on issues affecting the Society and its members. The President may assign them to take on a leadership or supporting role to execute special Board projects and/or IGCS programs. These are two-year terms. 2024-2026 open Board Member positions include: 

  1. Gynecologic Oncologist practicing in Asia, Oceania, or the Pacific  
  2. Gynecologic Oncologist practicing in Africa or the Middle East 
  3. Gynecologic Oncologist practicing in Europe 
  4. Gynecologic Oncologist practicing in Latin America or the Caribbean 
  5. Medical Oncologist (geographic region unspecified) 

View the IGCS Bylaws for additional information about the positions, eligibility, and responsibilities of Board Members. 

Per the IGCS Bylaws, the Presidential position must be filled by a gynecologic oncologist. Other Officer and Board Member positions may be filled by any active IGCS member unless otherwise specified by the role or excluded by the following criteria:  

  • Senior Members are not eligible to serve on the IGCS Board of Directors. 
  • Medical Students, Residents and Fellows-in-training are not eligible to serve on the IGCS Board of Directors. Candidates must have completed subspecialty training to serve on the Board of Directors. 
  • Members holding appointed Committee Chair and Vice Chair (or Chair Elect) positions are ineligible to apply for an open position on the Board of Directors if they will not have completed their term (including planned succession from Vice Chair/Chair Elect to Chair) by the conclusion of the next IGCS Annual Global Meeting. 

Assuming they meet membership requirements, the Nominating Committee will evaluate candidates based on their professional credentials, past leadership experience and tenure both in the IGCS and other not-for-profit organizations, their commitment to IGCS’s mission and vision, and personal characteristics, including communication skills, leadership success and commitment to diversity. The following are guiding principles:


  • Do you have previous leadership experience?
  • Do you have special interests or business skills/strategic relationships that align with the IGCS?
  • Do you have experience in education, mentorship and teaching?

Personal characteristics:

  • Are you easy to approach? Are you visionary and strategic? Are you ethical? Because part of your responsibility as a Council member is to be a role model, leadership qualities are essential.

Your commitment to active participation and leadership:

  • Do you have a history of service with the IGCS through committees or other leadership activities including attending and presenting at IGCS meetings?
  • Do your other professional activities permit you to commit adequate time and attention to the duties required of an IGCS officer or Board member?

All applicants will be required to disclose potential conflicts of interest at the time of application. Those conflicts will also be taken into account in the nominating committee’s decisions.

Additionally, IGCS Policy 1.6 Gender Diversity in IGCS Board and Leadership Positions specifies that we strive for at least 40% representation from each gender (male/female) serving on the IGCS Board and Committees. While not the primary consideration, please be aware that the gender of the candidates may be taken into account when developing the election slate. 

  • Board Members deliberate, plan, and evaluate. You focus on the IGCS mission and strategic goals to best serve the interests of oncology professionals worldwide who are dedicated to advancing women’s cancer research, screening, treatment, and prevention.
  • The Board of Directors is designed to ensure representation from various global regions and medical specialties– thus, each representative is expected to bring viewpoints and knowledge that are essential to the organization’s continued success as a global, interdisciplinary organization.
  • Board members may be assigned to act as a liaison for certain membership groups or take a leadership position on special projects.
  • Board Members must be willing to invest time in preparing for and thoughtfully participate in Board meetings and conference calls.   
  • The Board meets in person two (2) times a year for no more than a full day and participates in approximately four (4) or five (5) 60-90-minute conference calls each year.  
  • Board Members are expected to attend the IGCS Annual Global Meeting.  
  • Board Members may be assigned to act as a liaison for certain membership groups or take a leadership position on special projects, which will require additional time and attention. 

No. Reference letters are not required and will not be reviewed by the Nominating Committee. Candidates will be evaluated based on the responses provided in their application.

  • IGCS’ Nominating Committee will accept applications through March 12, 2024.  
  • The committee then reviews all applications and chooses a list of candidates for each open position according to IGCS policy. Selected candidates will submit a brief statement and digital photograph to be displayed online prior to the election. 
  • The slate of candidates will be presented to the Board of Directors for final approval and then to the membership in early May. Members with voting rights will be sent a link to review the slate and biographies of each candidate and they will cast their vote online.  
  • All members with voting rights may cast votes for candidates running for Officer positions (President Elect, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer Elect) and Board Member positions of unspecified global region. Regional Board Member positions will be elected by majority vote of IGCS members residing in the specified region. For example, only members residing in European countries are eligible to vote for the European Board Member representative. 
  • The tentative dates of the IGCS 2024 election are May 10-June 10 if there are no unforeseen delays during the nominations process.  
  • The results will be announced approximately one to two weeks after the close of the election, providing the staff and leadership ample time to prepare communications and ensure all election candidates are aware of the results prior to announcement. 
  • The elected positions will have the opportunity to attend the Board of Director's meeting at the 2024 IGCS Annual Global Meeting in Dublin as an observer with full responsibilities and duties commencing immediately following the Annual Global Meeting on October 18, 2024.  

This is a self-nomination process members apply on their own initiative via the online process. If you know of an individual who meets the criteria, and you believe would make an excellent Board Member, please encourage them to apply. 

The application closed March 12, 2024. 

According to IGCS bylaws, the IGCS Nominating Committee (also known as the Nominations and Awards Committee) consists of the Immediate Past President (chair), current President, Vice President, President-Elect* and two members of the IGCS Board of Directors (appointed by the presiding Nominating Committee Chair). 

2024 Nominations and Awards Committee Roster 

Chair/Past President: Dr. Robert Coleman (USA) 
President: Dr. Keiichi Fujiwara (Japan) 
Vice President: Dr. Anuja Jhingran (USA) 
Board Member: Dr. Rosalind Glasspool (UK) 
Board Member: Dr. Heleen van Beekhuizen (The Netherlands) 
President-Elect: Dr. Greta Dreyer (South Africa)* 

*The President-Elect sits on the committee to observe the process and will not vote or provide commentary regarding candidates or the final slate.

For more information about the nominating process, or about nominating criteria, contact IGCS CEO Mary Eiken at