Dr. Gregg Nelson is Professor and Chair of Gynecologic Oncology at the Arthur J.E. Child Comprehensive Cancer Centre, University of Calgary, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. His principal research interest is the development and study of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS®) protocols in OB-Gyn and cancer surgery.

The ERAS® protocols represent a significant advancement in surgical care, aiming to improve outcomes and efficiency across diverse healthcare environments worldwide. ERAS® is associated with improvements in clinical outcomes (reduction in length of hospital stay, complications, readmissions), cost savings for the healthcare system, and patient satisfaction. Dr. Nelson was instrumental in bringing ERAS® to the gynecologic oncology discipline, as lead author of the ERAS® Society Guidelines for Gynecologic/Oncology published originally in 2016, followed by updates in 2019 and 2023.

Dr. Nelson has been involved in numerous other ERAS® Society Guidelines including senior author for the cytoreduction/HIPEC guidelines and vulvar/vaginal surgery guidelines. He holds the positions of Physician Lead for ERASAlberta and Co-Chair of Enhanced Recovery Canada, along with previous roles as Secretary and Treasurer for the ERAS® Society.

Dr. Nelson’s important role in the introduction and implementation of ERAS® protocols into gynecology (benign and malignant) and obstetrics (caesarean delivery) have earned him the IGCS Award for Outstanding Achievement in Gynecologic Oncology Surgery. His commitment to excellence, patient safety, quality care, and improved outcomes helped to forge a new path on which future generations of gynecologic surgeons will continue to build upon for the advancement of women’s health.