If you would like to see your event on this calendar, please email education@igcs.org.

Events must be related to the field of gynecologic cancers with the target audience of clinicians, researchers, or advocates (patient/survivors/family members/caregivers).

24th Supportive & Palliative Care Clinical and Research Symposium

Online Meeting

This activity will address advanced supportive/palliative care topics. Professionals can expect an improvement of knowledge which includes the latest state of the art advances in the field of palliative/ supportive care to support best and effective practices of supportive/palliative care medicine.

Basics of Hysteroscopy

Online Meeting

Agenda: History and Anatomy of Hysteroscopy Equipment Basics Technique of Hysteroscopy & Vaginoscopy Distension Techniques - Basics Septum management- step by step Complications management Difficult situations & trouble shooting tips & tricks

IJGC Journal Club

Zoom Video Conference , United States

IJGC Journal Club, in collaboration with IGCS and ESGO
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
8:00 am CDT | 3:00 pm CET

October Lead Article for Discussion:
ConCerv: a prospective trial of conservative surgery for low-risk early-stage cervical cancer
by Kathleen M. Schmeler

ICS 2021 Melbourne Online

Online Meeting

ICS 2021 will be a 4 day interactive online event from October 14th–17th. The ICS 2021 scientific programme includes covering the latest research and practice on pelvic floor disorders, urinary incontinence, pelvic prolapse and LUTS.

2021 Annual ISGyP Educational Conference

Zoom Video Conference , United States

The International Society of Gynecological Pathologists is pleased to announce the 1st ISGyP Annual Conference, a new virtual one-day conference on the theme “WHO 2020 and Beyond: Refinements in Diagnosis of Selected Female Genital Tumors”, highlighting topics from the recently published 5th edition of the World Health Organization classification system of female genital tract tumors. Case-based presentations from an international faculty will be accompanied by several special sessions including a joint ISGyP-IGCS session by the society presidents Robert Coleman and Xavier Matias-Guiu and sessions on global pathology engagement and pathology education in the pandemic era. All IGCS members are welcome to attend. There is no fee. Register at isgyp.ca

2021 Virtual Advocacy Summit

Online Meeting

Join survivors/patients, caregivers, friends, and others in this information-packed annual Summit. Summit Highlights include Gynecologic Cancer Literacy, Survivorship Primer: Quality of Life Matters, Empowered through Patient Advocacy and Cancer Site-Specific Breakout Sessions. An Optional After-Summit Chat/Networking Session will be available.

IPVC 2021 34th International Papillomavirus Conference

Online Meeting

The 34th International Papillomavirus Conference & Basic Science, Clinical and Public Health Workshops will be held as a Virtual Conference on November 15-19, 2021. IPVC 2021 will gather researchers, clinicians and other health professionals to share knowledge and ideas on papillomaviruses and their associated diseases, from basic science to global health impact.

XV Brazilian Congress of Oncology Surgery

Online Meeting

The Brazilian Society of Oncology Surgery - SBCO, whose primary vocation is the fight against cancer, invites you to the largest oncology event in the southern hemisphere. This major scientific meeting will set the stage for current and interdisciplinary discussions on coping with and preventing cancer in our reality, discussing topics in Gastrointestinal Tract Oncology, Oncogynecology, Breast, Sarcomas, Peritoneal Diseases, Palliative Care, Research, Training and Teaching in Oncology, among other relevant issues.

7th SEUD Congress

Zoom Video Conference , United States

The 7th Annual Society of Endometriosis and Uterine Disorders (SEUD) Congress will take place December 9 - 11, 2021 in Stockholm, Sweden and virtually. The overall theme for this year’s meeting is Update on endometriosis and uterine disorders: Dispelling myths, removing stigma.