President’s Message: World Cancer Day

February 4th is World Cancer Day – a day when the world unites to raise awareness of key issues and build or strengthen coalitions for global cancer control. Read IGCS President, Dr. Keiichi Fujiwara's Presidential Message. ..

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Thinking Big in the New Year

The transition into a new year is always a time to rewind and reflect, to recharge and refocus. End-of-year message from IGCS CEO, Mary Eiken. ..

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Global Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship Program Donors

The Women Global Cancer Initiative and the Chuang Family have each pledged multi-year grants to support the IGCS Global Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship Program. This program is a sustainable solution increasing the capacity for quality gynecologic cancer care and research, now being utilized at 20 training sites in low-resource settings. ..

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Best of IGCS 2022 Annual Global Meeting

Did you miss the IGCS 2022 Annual Global Meeting? Good news — the Best of IGCS 2022 is now available for purchase on Education360 Learning Portal for 50% off. Purchase today and receive access for up to two years! ..

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Georgia Joins Strategic Alliance Partnership

IGCS is expanding its Strategic Alliance Partnership to the country of Georgia and the Caucasus region. the Kazakh Cancer Society and the American Eurasian Cancer Alliance —we'll combine our outreach efforts to further develop the field of gynecologic oncology within the region, a goal that our colleagues in Georgia are eager to achieve. ..

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Message from President Fujiwara

In Prof. Fujiwara's first presidential message to IGCS' members and friends, he expresses his thoughts about the society's mission and highlights some of his overarching goals as he steps into the role of President of the International Gynecologic Cancer Society. ..

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Poland-Ukraine Cooperative

The cooperative initiative, organized by both Polish and Ukrainian oncogynecologists is based on a network of interpersonal contacts including Dr. Marcin Stanislaw Bobiński (Lublin, Poland) and Dr. Olha Hoptyana (Kyiv, Ukraine). Here are their stories...

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IGCS 2022 Annual Global Meeting

The IGCS 2022 Annual Global Meeting was held September 29 - October 1 in New York City with several sessions broadcast live for virtual attendees. All the session recordings remain available to registered delegates through December 28, 2022...

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