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· Member Spotlight

Call for Member Engagement

Expand your engagement with IGCS as we unite the globe to transform gynecologic cancer care worldwide.With the release of the IGCS Strategic Pillars, it’s increasingly important for the IGCS to cultivate an inclusive and diverse organizational culture that engages and empowers our members to drive the mission forward. We call upon you, our members, to consider further engaging with the IGCS.   Enhance Member and Guest ExperienceAdvance Equitable Patient-Centered CareIncrease IGCS’ Impact WorldwideEngaging with IGCS offers many benefits, including making a meaningful impact to advance patient care and global health, sharing and expanding your skills and knowledge, shaping the future of IGCS with innovative ideas, and collaborating with global colleagues. Complete the IGCS Member Engagement Interest FormOur society is engaged in ongoing programs and projects where member expertise and passion are needed. Some projects may only require a few hours of time, while others may require a longer commitment. Our goal is to provide opportunities for our members to contribute to the IGCS mission at whatever level of commitment they desire.    Engagement opportunities are available in IGCS Programs, and detailed opportunities within these programs may be found when completing the engagement interest form.   Annual Global Meeting The largest global meeting dedicated to women’s cancer, the Annual Meeting offers multidisciplinary education on gynecologic cancers and networking opportunities.  Education360 Education360 is our society’s year-round, online…

Meghan Anderson

· Member Spotlight

IGCS Board Defines Strategic Goals

As a rapidly growing international society with great ambitions and endless potential, it’s incredibly important that we establish strategic goals and set priorities to guide our decisions and ensure the sustainability of our great organization.  We are so pleased to share the enhanced pillars with their ambitious goals.

Meghan Anderson

· CEO Message

Board of Directors Election Results

The results are in – please join us in congratulating the newly elected IGCS Board Members. For each position, the candidate receiving the most votes was elected. Regional Board Members were elected by IGCS Members residing in the corresponding region.

Debbie Leopold

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Season's Greetings from IGCS

As 2020 comes to an end, Mary Eiken, would like to wish IGCS Members and Friends a joyous holiday season a Happy New Year with this end-of-year message.

Welcome, SASGO!

We are so pleased to announce that the South African Society of Gynaecologic Oncology (SASGO) has joined the IGCS Strategic Alliance Partnership. SASGO Members will now benefit from dual membership and gain access to IGCS Member benefits. Greta Dreyer, who serves as SASGO President and as an IGCS Council Member, was instrumental in facilitating this partnership.

IGCS-ISSTD Strategic Partnership

IGCS has entered a strategic partnership with the International Society for the Study of Trophoblastic Diseases to achieve joint objectives in education, mentorship, and data collection to improve patient outcomes

IGCS-EMAS Position Statement on Managing Menopause

Read the European Menopause and Andropause Society (EMAS) and International Gynecologic Cancer Society (IGCS) position statement on managing menopause after gynecological cancer: focus on menopausal symptoms and osteoporosis, published in the International Journal of Gynecological Cancer.

IGCS & WOCC Join Forces

The World Ovarian Cancer Coalition (WOCC) is now our Strategic Advocacy Partner. This partnership maximizes the collective influence, membership, force, and reach of these two premiere organizations and establishes a framework through which they will provide tangible benefit to gynecologic cancer survivors-patients worldwide, with special emphasis on ovarian cancer.

IGCS Growth in Latin America: Chile, Peru & Mexico

The Chilean Society of Gynecologic Oncology and the Peruvian Society of Gynecological Oncology recently joined our Strategic Alliance Partner Program. And earlier this year, the Mexican College of Gynecologic Oncology invited us to their congress to promote IGCS membership.

Welcome, Russia!

As the International Gynecological Cancer Society continues successful outreach in Eurasia, this strategic partnership with the Russian Society of Oncologists in Cancer of Reproductive Systems will generate tremendous benefits in the areas of clinical practice, research and palliative care affecting millions of patients throughout Russia and neighboring counties.

Welcome Malaysia, Peru & the Caribbean!

IGCS welcomes three societies bringing a total of 127 new members to the Strategic Alliance Partnership Program:: the Caribbean Gynecologic Cancer Society (CGCS), the Malaysian Gynaecological Cancer Society (MGCS) and the Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplasicas-Peru (INEN).

Investing in Our Future Leaders

IGCS Programs for Early Career Members Dear Colleagues, The exponential growth and success the IGCS have experienced over the last…
